Trust the Witness

Trust the Witness

“Trust the Witness” 1 John 1:1-2:2, John 20:19-31 — The message of Jesus is transmitted through scriptures and through the testimony of eye witnesses and interpreters for our sake. To trust the witness is to admin that we fall short of God’s plan for us, and that we have a truly human, perfect sacrifice that…

We Are One Tribe

We Are One Tribe

“We Are One Tribe” Isaiah 25:6-9, John 20:1-18, Acts 10:34-43 — When Jesus rose from the dead in accordance with the scriptures, Jesus broke down all barriers separating people. No more is there Jew or Gentile. What does this mean for us today? Well, there are no barriers for Christ but the ones that we…

Building a Lifestyle of Love

Building a Lifestyle of Love

  “Building a Lifestyle of Love” John 12:12-16, Luke 6:27-36 — The crowds on Palm Sunday loved Jesus for a minute, until he disappointed them. How can we not be like the crowds, but rather, like Jesus in our relationships? This week’s principle of loving is that lasting love requires a lifestyle change. This is…

Be number One!

Be number One!

“Be Number One!” Mark 10:35-45, Romans 12:9-18 — Desiring to be great is not bad at all. We are all wired to be great. Jesus does not discourage our striving to be great. Jesus re-directs our striving by saying whoever is the best servant is greatest. So go ahead, do your best to be number…

Love Requires Judgement

Love Requires Judgement

“Love Requires Judgement” Proverbs 21:2-3, Matthew 6:9 – 18, 7:1 – 5 — As you judge, you will be judged. Judgement and discernment are different, but to love well, God’s Judgment is required. For us this creates 3 practices. Avoid Hypocrisy, Have Integrity, Be Merciful. This is the fourth sermon for Rick Warren’s 40 Days…

Loving is Impossible

Loving is Impossible

“Loving is Impossible” 1 Corinthians 13, Matthew 14:24-32 — Loving others like Jesus loves us is impossible – without the power of Jesus. Good thing Jesus gives us that power – and asks us to use it to love in ways that are not easy. Love doesn’t Always Feel Good. This is the third sermon…



“Love?” Micah 6:6-8 , Mark 12:28-34 — Rev. Jay Hollinsworth kicks off our Lenten sermon series with a look into the nature of what the word “love” really means to God. This is the second sermon for Rick Warren’s 40 Days of Love Campaign. Click on the Audio link and take a listen to the…