Worship Hour: 11:00 am
Sunday School for all ages 9:30 am
2/23/14 New Member Class
3/4/14 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner, 6 pm
3/9/14 Confirmation Class starting this spring
3/12/14 Lenten Series begins – every Wednesday during Lent 7:00 pm
Meal and Transportation Ministries – Looking for a way to get involved? Perhaps you are more of a “behind the scenes” kind of person, well you’re in luck! The Hillcrest Deacons are currently looking for volunteers interested in serving in the Meal Ministry and Transportation Assistance.
Transportation Assistance – We are currently looking for volunteers to assist in transportation for some church members who are unable to find transportation. Please sign the sheet in the hall.
Nursery- Revised system for staffing the nursery during worship. An assigned schedule will be mailed out twice per year with each volunteer scheduled for two Sundays. If you are unable to attend on an assigned Sunday, you will have plenty of time to contact someone else on the list to switch Sundays. We desperately need willing servants to fulfill this responsibility and nurture our youngest members.
If you are able to volunteer your time, 4 times a year, Please sign the list in the hallway, along with a phone number and any months you would prefer NOT to be scheduled. Thank you in advance for your service to the Lord in this very worthwhile capacity!
Door Greeters – The sign up sheet is posted in the hall. Please stop and consider being a door greeter.
Property Committee – Could always use volunteers on Tuesday mornings at 9:00am!
WE WANT YOU!!! – Christian Education Committee – The Christian Education Committee is always looking for willing workers to staff the Sunday School! If you would be willing to be a teaching assistant in a Sunday School class, please contact Alice Robertson by calling the church or e-mailing her at christianed@hillcrestupc.org ASAP. Thanks!