Event Series Property Day

Property Day

Hillcrest Church 1622 James Street, Monroeville, PA, United States

Starting at 9:00 am all are welcome to join us at the church to help garden, clean and maintain the church property.

Event Series Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Hillcrest Parlor 1622 James Street, Monroville , PA, United States

Weekly prayer gathering for church members and the community where are are welcome. A time to gather and give thanks, sharing prayer concerns in a casual supportive group setting.

“Pizza, Popcorn, and PJs” Christmas Party

Hillcrest Church 1622 James Street, Monroeville, PA, United States

Kids, ages 4-12, & under 4, with parent Christmas Movie: Angela's Christmas Pizza, craft time & bingo with prizes Wear Christmas Pjs, or any warm winter set Bring blanket and/or...

Third Sunday in Advent

Hillcrest Church 1622 James Street, Monroeville, PA, United States
Event Series Property Day

Property Day

Hillcrest Church 1622 James Street, Monroeville, PA, United States

Starting at 9:00 am all are welcome to join us at the church to help garden, clean and maintain the church property.

Event Series Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Hillcrest Parlor 1622 James Street, Monroville , PA, United States

Weekly prayer gathering for church members and the community where are are welcome. A time to gather and give thanks, sharing prayer concerns in a casual supportive group setting.